Bognor Regis Nursery School
Special Educational Needs Information Report
This SEND Information Report (Schedule 1 Regulation 51) contains the information required by the Children and Families Act (2014).
It incorporates the statutory guidance from the Code of Practice (2014) and the West
Sussex Local Offer questions from parents.
A child or young person has special educational need if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
(Children and Families act 2014 section 20.1)
Compiled in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice 2014 section 6.79
What is the Local Offer?
From September 2014, every Local Authority is required to publish information about available services for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This is known as the ‘Local Offer’. This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools and early years settings (e.g. playgroups and day nurseries) to support children with additional needs. It is not simply a list of services, but provides useful information on how to access services, any eligibility criteria, how decisions are made and who makes them. In this report, you will find information about the local offer for children with additional needs at Bognor Regis Nursery School. If you are interested in finding out about the West Sussex County Council local offer please click on the ‘local offer’ link on our website.
What do we mean by additional needs? The types of special educational needs (SEN) for which provision is made at Bognor Regis Nursery School (Schedule 1: point 1)
The term additional needs refers to needs that are likely to require a higher level of support than those of most children of the same age. Some children may have additional needs for a short time, whereas others may have them for an ongoing period of time.
There are four broad areas of SEND identified in the Code of Practice:
- Sensory and Physical
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Additional needs may therefore be related to a child’s ability to make progress due to difficulties in the following areas
-speech and language
-interacting with others
-emotional difficulties
-learning difficulties
-physical disabilities
-sensory impairment
-diagnosable condition e.g. Down’s Syndrom
What are the aims of our provision in regards to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities?
The aims of our policy and practice in relation to children with special educational needs and/or disability are to:
- ensure that every child, regardless of race, gender or disability, has a right to equal access to developmentally appropriate learning opportunities within a broad and balanced Early Years curriculum;
- provide learning activities and experiences that are presented within a supportive and stimulating atmosphere which values each child as an individual and encourages him or her to achieve his or her full potential;
- make reasonable adjustments for those with a disability by taking action to increase access to the curriculum and the learning environment;
- include and value the contribution of all parents’/carers’ and children’s views in order to develop high levels of partnership and mutual respect;
- ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet children’s needs, through targeted continuing professional development opportunities;
- work in partnership with the Local Authority, Health and Social Care professionals and other outside agencies to ensure that the needs of all vulnerable learners are met.
How do staff at Bognor Regis Nursery School know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have additional needs?
Our Nursery School prides itself on being a fully inclusive setting. Children of all abilities have the right to be educated in their local community school if the appropriate provision can be made to meet their individual needs. We therefore welcome all children to apply for a place in the Nursery School in line with our Admissions Policy.
We encourage families to let us know about any special needs they think their child might have on our application form. For example, a child may be receiving support from a health visitor, speech and language therapist or a physiotherapist. Having prior knowledge about a child’s needs is helpful as it helps us to plan for their individual needs accordingly.
Keyworkers spend time getting to know children during their settling in period and build secure relationships with individuals over time. Their knowledge of each child and detailed observations help keyworkers to identify any children who may need some extra support to access the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. If we have concerns about a child’s development, Keyworkers will discuss it with the parents and decide on next steps with them. We are committed to including parent and child voice in the planning for children with additional needs and will work with families so that they can contribute to their child’s individual plan.
If you are concerned about your child’s progress or development, you should speak to your child’s keyworker first. You may also find it helpful to request a meeting with the Inclusion Co-ordinator to talk about your concerns.
What is our approach to teaching children with SEND?
At Bognor Regis Nursery School, we believe that our integrated approach to supporting children with SEND benefits our whole community. The majority of our teaching strategies for children who have SEND are the same as those used for all children. Key Workers use information from children’s parents and carers, the range of professionals who may be working with families and detailed observations to assess where children are in their learning and development across all areas of experience and to track their rate of progress. This in-depth knowledge is crucial to planning next steps for each child. The pedagogy of the School supports children to make decisions as to where they invest their time and to build on children’s learning and development through their strengths and passions. Children of this age and stage need access to first hand experiences and supportive adults and peers to play alongside them to enhance their learning.
Children who have SEND may need additional help to access the curriculum such as specific communication support e.g. visual timetables, PECs, Makaton, quiet withdrawal spaces, extra sensory experiences, small group-work, intensive bursts of 1:1 activities to “layer” learning experiences.
How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEND?
Inclusive practice and the number of highly qualified staff within the Nursery School ensures that all children have access to good and outstanding quality first teaching at all times. Teachers and keyworkers differentiate activities to ensure that each child is able to progress. Enhanced staffing ratios, Makaton signing, visual choice boards and visual timetables are available and targeted teaching assistant support and / or groups are run according to need.
Resources throughout the School are audited and updated regularly and reasonable adaptations to the curriculum, resources or the environment are introduced according to the needs of individual children.
What are our arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress that children with SEND make?
Keyworkers and carers collect observations and assessments of each child in an individual learning journal. This also contains copies of the child’s One Page Profile and any Individual Plans. These are reviewed regularly with parents/carers and any other professionals who are working with the child and are updated to ensure that they are supporting the child’s progress in a meaningful way. Keyworkers and carers are all trained to understand the typical stages of a child’s developmental progress and know how to help them to make progress. Ideas for the child’s next steps are developed/shared with parents/carers and will depend on his or her individual needs. Records of specific interventions and the implementation of personal programmes and targets as recommended by professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists or Occupational Therapists are reviewed on a regular basis by the relevant therapist working in partnership with the Nursery staff and with parents/carers. All children’s progress within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is assessed and recorded termly. Data from children with SEND is analysed to identify any specific issues and to introduce additional support where necessary.
What additional specialist support and expertise is available for children with SEND?
Some children will require an enhanced level of support within the Nursery School. We are able to offer places within our Special Support Centre (SSC) to children who meet the specific admissions criteria detailed within The Special Support Centre Policy.
The SSC provides sixteen places for children with significant speech and language needs and/or complex needs. Children are referred by Health or Early Years professionals if they are concerned about a child’s developmental progress. Children’s admission is agreed by a multi-professional panel at the termly Considerations Meeting. Full details of this process are documented within the SSC Policy.
The Special Support Centre is staffed by a teacher in charge, a nursery nurse and 1:1 Learning Support Assistants (where they are required). The teacher in charge and the nursery nurse key care jointly with mainstream staff. A specialist speech and language therapist oversees the children’s programmes and is on site regularly to support both children and staff. The team work regularly with other professionals such as Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists to ensure that children’s all-round development is well supported.
Policies relating to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
- Inclusion Statement
- Behaviour Policy
- Accessibility Plan
- Single Equalities Policy
- The Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- Partnership with Parents Policy
- Learning and Teaching Policy
- Admissions Policy
How do we enable children with special educational needs to engage in the activities that are available to all?</
Children with SEND are fully integrated throughout the School and every activity is available to all of the children. There is an accessible toilet in the entrance hall and an extended cubicle in the children’s bathroom and nappy changing areas. A lift links the upper and lower floor of the building. There is level access to both gardens. All staff are trained in Makaton signing and the use of visual communication cards. The Accessibility Plan is reviewed on a three yearly cycle.
What support is available for improving the well-being and social development of children with SEND?
We operate a robust system of paired key working and develop very strong and nurturing relationships with all children in key worker groups. Positive behaviour strategies and conflict resolution techniques are used throughout the School as described in the Behaviour Policy. These are also shared with parents/carers. If more support is required, we may refer to Early Help services with consent from families is given.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
The Inclusion coordinator is well qualified and works with a range of professionals locally and further afield. A wide range of professionals work closely with the School to ensure the right help can be accessed by children and their families. We also work closely with any external agencies that we feel are relevant to individual children’s needs within our School. These may include GP, Health Visitors, Educational Psychologist, Paediatrician, Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, the Inclusion Team at West Sussex County Council, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Early Help Team (IPEH) and Social Care.
All staff have been trained in basic Makaton and the use of a range of visual communication support systems. Specialist training is accessed according to the needs of children, for example, training in Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autistic Spectrum disorders have recently been accessed by relevant key workers. This training is then shared and re-visited regularly with the wider team.
A number of members of staff have been ‘Team Teach’ trained to safely support and isolate children demonstrating unsafe behaviour.
How do we ensure that the correct equipment and/or facilities are secured for children with SEND?
For a small percentage of children, whose needs are significant and complex and the SEN Support required to meet these needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the School’s own resources, a request will be made to the Local Authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) being developed. Please see the West Sussex Local Offer for further information.
How do we work with parents and how do parents/carers know how their child is progressing?
We are committed to working with parents and carers to identify their child’s needs. Parents/carers of all children see their child’s key worker daily and they are always available to discuss individual children’s progress at the beginning or end of sessions. Key workers share the child’s records with their parents/carers regularly and families are invited to contribute to these. Parents/carers are encouraged to arrange an appointment to discuss their child’s progress with the key worker, the Inclusion coordinator or a member of the senior leadership team at any time when they feel concerned or have information they feel they would like to share that could impact on their child’s success. We ask that parents contact the School office to arrange an appointment.
If a child has an EHC Plan in place, reviews will follow the recommended 6 monthly schedule. See also our Partnership with Parents Policy.
How will my child be able to contribute their views?
We value and celebrate each child’s views on all aspects of School life. Children regularly tell us what is important to them through a variety of activities both formal and informal. They are also able to give their views through use of an entry and a leaver’s questionnaire. Children take some responsibility for their own learning by choosing where they work and the appropriate resources to work with within our free-flow workshop environment. They are invited to contribute their views and ideas during session time and group time activities and this is reflected in our planning. Children who have One Page Profiles and/or Individual Plans may discuss their targets with their key worker and/or therapist. If your child has an Education, Health Care Plan his/her views will be sought at the planning and review stage as well as through the termly IP review.
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our provision?
We gather feedback and information from parents/carers using a survey at different times including when children leave Nursery School and the SSC. Children are encouraged to share their feelings on an ongoing basis and their views are collected and reviewed twice yearly in a more structured way. Children’s progress is monitored and data is analysed in order to ensure that the provision matches needs. The Inclusion coordinator monitors provision and the environment in order to facilitate adaptations and further staff training as necessary.
We have a dedicated governor for SEND who works with and supports the Inclusion coordinator to evaluate provision. Integrated working with the Educational Psychology service, Speech and Language Therapy service, Occupational Therapy service and Health Visitors including the Specialist Health Visitor, ensures that provision is effective for children with SEND.
How do we prepare and support children when joining the school or when transferring to primary school?
We encourage all new children to visit the School prior to starting with us and key workers arrange to visit children at home. We work with parents and carers to ensure that new children settle in gradually and plan the child’s entry into school carefully and sensitively according to their needs. For children with special educational needs or a disability, we may facilitate a phased transition to help children to “acclimatise” to their new surroundings gently over time. We write social stories with some children to help explain and prepare them for any major transition. When children are preparing to leave us to move on to Primary School, we may arrange and support additional visits for them if required. We liaise closely with staff when receiving and transferring children to different schools, ensuring that all relevant information and paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood. If your child has an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) and is changing to a new school we will, whenever possible, arrange a review meeting with relevant staff from the receiving school which you will be invited to. For the first term following transition, staff from the SSC may be released to support children and staff within the new school.
Who are we?
Full staff details are available within the School Handbook. We believe strongly that all staff share responsibility for the education and care of all children. All staff can be contacted via the School reception desk on 01243 642925
Within the wider team, some staff roles have particular relevance to the care and education of young children with additional needs. These are:
Ruth Campbell: Executive Headteacher, Safeguarding and Child Protection
Alison Stead: Head of School, Designated Teacher for Children Looked After
Hayley Conrad: Inclusion Co – ordinator, SENCO, Special Support Centre Teacher, Communication and Language Coordinator
Ruth Stack: Inclusion Co-ordinator, SENCO, Special Support Centre Teacher, Personal Social & Emotional Development Co-ordinator
Janine Clark: Lead Practitioner Orchard Room Daycare Provision, Administration of Medicines, First Aid Policy and Practice, Physical Development Co-ordinator
Ellie Billinghurst: Special Support Centre Nursery Nurse
Gabi Jastrzesbska : Learning Support Assistant in the SSC, Teaching Assistant
Helen Fairbrother: Special Support Centre Teaching Assistant
Sophie Talbot Easter : Speech and Language Therapist for the SSC
SEND Governor: Lindsey Peters
Who can I contact for further information or to discuss a concern?
Parents/carers first point of contact would be their child’s key worker to share your concerns. They could also arrange to meet with the Inclusion coordinator, Deputy Headteacher, the Headteacher or the governor for SEND. See also the Complaints Policy if you feel that your concern has not been addressed. Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IAS) formerly known as Parent Partnership (Inclusion) is an organisation that provides independent advice and support for families 03302 228 555
How does the governing body involve other services in supporting the needs of children with SEND?
Our dedicated governor for SEND meets regularly with the Inclusion coordinator in order to ensure that the full governing body are aware of any issues relating to the needs of children with SEND Sandra Lyndon (Governor with SEND responsibility) can be contacted via the Reception team.
Support services for parents of pupils with SEN include:
The West Sussex Local Offer can be accessed through the West Sussex County Council website and the School website.
Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IAS) formerly known as Parent Partnership (Inclusion) is an organisation that provides independent advice and support for families 03302 228 555. There are also many independent services and charities that offer support, please speak to our Inclusion Co-ordinator if you require further information or signposting.