
This Statement aims to ensure that there is an agreed understanding within the School of the broader meaning of Inclusion and how we can promote it.  Inclusive methodology is an integral component of the School’s Single Equalities Policy and reflected in all School policies and activities.  This Statement also links (and overlaps) with the School’s Special Educational Needs Policy, Gifted and Talented Policy and Behaviour Policy.

Definition of Inclusion

Inclusion is a process that reflects the School’s belief that each individual should be valued equally.  Inclusion encompasses broad considerations of access to education and care and it recognises the importance of providing for diverse needs.

Statement of Intent

We will ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children and families, particularly those that arise from:

  • ethnic heritage
  • social and economic background
  • gender
  • age
  • religion
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • children in care
  • the influence of environmental factors
  • the difficulties experienced by families under stress
  • the needs of gifted and talented children
  • the individual medical needs of children and adults
  • the needs of Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • the special educational needs of individuals
  • the needs of travellers’ families

We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice that promotes equality of opportunity and we value the diversity within our community.

We will not tolerate any form of bullying or other unacceptable behaviour.

Our Principles of Inclusion

  • All families, children and adults are valued equally and will not be discriminated against.
  • Diversity is recognised and regarded positively.
  • Children have a wide range of needs and abilities: these require appropriate provision.
  • Children are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, such as that provided in the Nursery School environment. This requires appropriate support, advice and resources together with inter-agency collaboration.
  • All children and their parents/carers are treated with respect and are encouraged to take an active part in the life of the School.
  • The staff teams promote the protection and enhancement of the dignity of those involved in the School community.
  • Considerations of Inclusion pervade the School’s Policies and Planning (from wider strategic whole School Planning through to planning to meet the needs of individuals).
  • The promotion of processes of Inclusion involves the application of the existing skills of the staff and the development of others: for this the School endeavours to provide access to appropriate advice, training resources and support.
  • The staff promotes an understanding of the benefits that inclusive practices brings to society, particularly in engendering a sense of participation in community and by endeavouring to remove barriers to learning.

We aim to:

  • Promote positive relationships and understanding among the staff, children, parents, carers and within the wider community.
  • Recognise and celebrate diversity through the provision of multi-cultural and non-stereotypical resources.
  • Provide a secure and accessible environment in which all children can flourish and learn.
  • Ensure that each child has rich and varied opportunities to learn and by being able to participate fully in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual respect that offers opportunities for engagement for all.
  • Pay due attention to issues of privacy and dignity where appropriate.
  • Ensure that planning for learning reflects the needs of all children.
  • Ensure that staff access relevant training and support from other agencies as necessary.
  • Enable all staff to uphold the principles of inclusion as described above, both in the School and within the wider community.