The Governors and staff of Bognor Regis Nursery School are committed to creating an equality of opportunity within the Nursery School and an atmosphere which makes everyone feel welcomed and valued. We acknowledge that there is still some discrimination against people with a disability within our society and wish to work actively towards the elimination of this and to promote a positive image of disabled people and to encourage participation.

The SEN and Disability Act 2001 extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to cover education. Since September 2002, the Governing Body has had three key duties towards disabled pupils, under Part 4 of the DDA:

  • not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their disability;
  • to make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage;
  • to plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils.

This plan includes proposals of the Governing Body of the school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA:

  • increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum;
  • improving the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services;
  • improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.

For the purpose of this document someone can be considered as disabled if they have a “physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term (e.g. more than 12 months) adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities”. This may affect mobility, manual dexterity, physical co-ordination, continence, ability to lift and carry objects, speech, hearing or eyesight, learning or understanding and perception of risk of physical danger.

Users of the School and the Local Authority’s Sensory Support Team were previously invited to feedback their observations regarding the accessibility and inclusive environment of the School.

The following points for promoting equal opportunities and promoting a positive image of disabled people were identified.

For Children:

  • the curriculum caters for a wide range of individual abilities and capabilities, resources (which promote a positive image of disabled people) are carefully selected including books, displays, jigsaws and small world characters;
  • materials are adapted to meet the needs of individual children, e.g. painting the spaces in the base of inset puzzles black so that a child with visual problems would find it easier to see the shape;
  • visual ‘timetables’ are used to aid children’s understanding of available activities, routines and expectations;
  • a quiet space is provided for children to rest or sleep;
  • Makaton signs are used to help overcome communication difficulties;
  • an area is provided to clean and change children;
  • a policy on the administration of medicines has been developed;
  • alternatives to sand, water and dough are provided for children with allergies;
  • space is set aside for children to work in an undisrupted environment/calming workspace
  • specialist resources are borrowed from the toy library and from the local sensory toy library;
  • an anti-bullying policy has been developed which outlines procedures to address any incidents of bullying and strategies to support those involved;
  • identification and support strategies for children with particular needs are available for all staff to refer to;
  • staff refer, liaise and consult with ‘outside agencies’ to gain support and advice, e.g. the sensory support team for children with visual or hearing difficulties, school nurse for help in making a health care plan or training staff in the use of an Epipen, speech, occupational and physiotherapists;
  • transitions meetings are held between Nursery and Primary Schools for children who will need extra support, which may also involve arranging extra visits, making books for individual children;
  • parents are asked if their child has any disabilities or special needs when they apply for a place in the Orchard Room or Nursery School. This gives time to implement any special procedures to support individuals;
  • discussion between the Key Worker and Parents/carers are held when children start in the Orchard Room or Nursery School to ensure staff have a full picture of children’s needs;
  • A Special Support Centre has been established for children with significant speech and language difficulties and/or other needs.

For All users of the Provision:

  • a lift to the first floor is provided;
  • accessible toilet and alarm;
  • access to the outside including the Garden Room;
  • priority parking for disabled car users;
  • poster encouraging disabled users to seek help and support if needed;
  • the letting agreement states that the Centre is an Inclusive Environment.

For Staff:

  • adaptations to the environment or equipment are made, e.g. provision of voice activated computer writing programme for staff who have difficulty in writing;
  • referral to outside agencies such as Health Assured or Occupational Health;
  • staff recruitment is monitored with regard to equal opportunities including disability (from information on application forms).

Access Plan and Disability Equality Scheme

Three Year Action Plan and Progress Report


In light of the ongoing COVID pandemic, ensure that children’s emotional well-being is catered for effectively across the Nursery School and Orchard Room and support Children’s behaviour using positive strategies and visual aids.
Develop a bank of visual aids using new Widget software and have a login available for all staff to access.


To explore and disseminate the OAIP (Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice) amongst the leadership and wider team to establish best inclusive practice.
To explore how the wider team will continue to access Makaton training now that Noriko is no longer employed by the school.
Offer TEAM TEACH training to new SSC members


For Nursery School and Orchard Room keyworkers to familiarise themselves and begin completing Early Years Individual Support Plan (ISP) paperwork with families for children with identified SEND in line with new SEND UNDER 5 requirements.

Foundation Makaton Training to be offered to new Nursery School and Orchard Room team members.

Visual aids and Choice boards to be displayed at child height across the Nursery School and Orchard Room and updated regularly in-line with feedback from communication audit to ensure children with SLCN and EAL have meaningful resources to support their communication needs.

Updated: September 2022

Review date: September 2023